Monolith NT.Automated – re-training session & Spectral Shift introduction with NanoTemper Technologies

Turku Protein Core and NanoTemper would like to invite you to the free Monolith NT. Automated retraining session on 28.5. at Biocity. We would like to invite all scientists who have measured interactions using the Monolith system, as well as all those who plan to start such measurements. During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to:

Refreshing information on the basics of the MST (MicroScaleThermophoresis) method.

What kind of interactions can we measure using MST?

New Spectral Shift method – how it works?

What does the measurement look like and how to prepare the sample.

Data analysis from Monolith

Possibility to talk to specialists from NanoTemper Technologies.

Find out more about the schedule and how to register from the invitation.