Sign up for the launch event!

We cordially invite you to the launch event of Turku Protein Core, a one-stop-shop for protein research support and instrumentation. On March 21st at 10 in Presidentti Auditorium (Biocity, Tykistökatu 6, 20520 Turku), we will introduce you to our infrastructure and the possibilities available to scientists here in Turku.

During the event, you will learn about our services and hear from researchers who have already used our instrumentation to advance their research. We will also discuss our future plans for Turku Protein Core and how we hope to support protein research further.

Coffee/tea and sandwiches will be offered at the start of the event.

Register for the event here

The deadline for registration is on March 9th.

We look forward to seeing you on March 21st at 10!