Protein characterization events in September

Turku Protein Core is organizing events on two different protein characterization techniques. More info on each and how to register is below:

Hands-on workshop for differential scanning fluorimetry with Applied Photophysics

Applied Photophysics ( is bringing their SUPR-DSF instrument to Biocity on 9.-10.9. The workshop starts with the theoretical part on 9.9. and participants will have a chance to test the instrument with their own samples on both days. DSF can be used to measure a protein sample’s stability. More information on the instrument can be found in the invitation.

Register for the event here

The deadline for registration is 4.9.

Webinar on Flow Induced Dispersion Analysis with FidaBio

FidaBio ( is giving a presentation on flow-induced dispersion and Fida Neo on 5.9. at 13. FIDA can be used for in-solution measurement of affinity, kinetics and quality & quantity of your protein. More information about this can be found in the invitation.

Register for the webinar here:

The deadline for registration is on 3.9.